Saturday, November 20, 2010

Theravada Buddhism is Unique

Saturday, November 20, 2010



During my early years when I've began to take Buddhism seriously, I had problems understanding why some Theravada Monks left the order to join others. Especially to become Sangha member of the Vajrayana Tibetan order.

Recently a lay Buddhist friend of mine experienced the same dilemma when some of her lay Buddhist friends have left the Theravada school to join the Tibetan group. She was completely shocked because the very same person whom have brought her into Theravada Buddhism left this school. According to my friend, the reason for such changes is due to the reason that Theravada Buddhism are "boring". Where else Tibetan Buddhism is appealing. And it suits them because Tibetan Buddhism stresses on compassion and engaged Buddhism.

This matter was brought-up in a Buddhist Yahoo forum for discussion and another good friend of mine, Mr. Lee Yu Ban have this to say.

"I have noticed that lately, probably as a result of greater exposure and opportunities, many Buddhists tend to shop around and flow along with the latest Dharma fads. While there is nothing wrong with exploring the various teachings ( and indeed it is a practice that may yield profitable results), I feel such exploration should be done with greater maturity and choices made after considering one's objectives and expected benefits.

However, my observation is that many tend to jump from one teacher to another, one practice after another, changing rupas on the altar from Kuan Yin to Sakyamuni to Manjushri, and in and out of schools in a mix and match fashion as though we have paid for a buffet and now must try everything that's on the table. It seems to me that this is less of a matured spiritual pratice but more a manifestation of what the Buddha labelled as Uddhacca; restlessness or an unsettled state of mind. I believet greater benefit is achieved by digging one deep well rather than many shallow wells.

As for comparison between different schools, I guess it is different strokes for different folks. While it has often been lamented that Theravada is more boring or less colourful than other schools, that sits just fine with me. I have many avenues for entertainment, too many in fact, and I don't want my religion to be another useless, happy-clappy party. Theravada's appeal to me has always been its rational and practical teachings, its crystal clear path allowing one to approach the Buddha's teachings directly. These really useful teachings are common to all schools of course. However, Theravada is unique as it is devoid of ambiguity and doubtful metaphors, free from dictatorial gurus and invisible bodhisattvas, special days, money vases, magic pills and magic mantras.

But that's just my preference. To each his own."

Thank you Bro Yu Ban for these wise words. I share the same thoughts too.

Bugs Tan
21st Nov 2010


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