Those who walk the Buddhist spiritual path will know that there are 3 evil roots that caused man to lead an unwholesome life. The 3 evil poison that are embedded strongly in us are "greed, hatred and illusion". And for those who live their life entirely without practicing any religion at all are most likely to fall into this trap.
It is a pity to see people having a wrong illusion about themselves. They have this notion thinking that they are the best in the industry. Not knowing that whatever they do is just a big illusion. Being the best in this conventional world is just a moment of pleasure that doesn't last.
Like it or not, trouble will come to you when you are having more success than some people. They get jealous and make all sort of attempt to degrade and embarrass you in public. Hoping that you will fumble and fall in disgrace. If they can have it their way, they want you dead. That's the same reason why Devadatta pushes a large rock on a hill towards the Buddha when he was walking down the road. Devadatta wanted Buddha dead because the Buddha was getting all the attention while he did not.
You will feel disappointed when your friends are jealous of your success. Especially when these people are your good friends and close relatives. These are the same people you gave so much love and respect to. You will feel terribly disappointed that your friends have become your foes.
But the moment when we see such friends behaving foolishly, we should avoid them. The Buddha has advised us to lead a lonely life in case we cannot find a decent friend. But never keep the company of a fool. You can read my article about the Buddhist Concept of Friendship here.
However, in the process of avoiding them, they felt out-of place. This happened when you suddenly left them without any explanation. However, times like this it's hard to bring common sense into their deluded mind. Problems comes to us when such void take place in them. These people cannot handle their emotion but turn vengeful against us.
They hurdled all sort of abuse at us. The situation can turn ugly when they start spreading lies about us. They are becoming like dogs barking all day long. So much so they begin to irritate us. They gets in our way. But we should not respond. We should not be tempted to part take in those gibberish remarks about us. We should restrain our body, speech and mind and avoid confrontation. We should steer ourselves away from picking a fight.
If you understand the law of Kamma you will know that he is the owner of his own action. It is not our duty to punish them. You just stay cool and do nothing to him. What you should do is to to stay focus on your job. Go on and do your normal stuffs. Do not get distracted. Water will find it's own level and over time when you take your success to new level, the truth will prevail. All slander and lies said about you will disappear.
One skillful mean to handle such situation that I've learnt is this. We should take things as if it is like a piece of banana leaf that are used to wrap a packet of nasi lemak. When we see things in the world like a piece of used banana leaf that have no great value for us, then we are free to walk in the world without being moved, without being bothered, without being hurt in anyway by various kinds of things that comes and passed away, whether pleasant or unpleasant. This is the path that leads to freedom.
This is a skillful way to deal with people who are jealous of our success.
I hope the above advise helps to deal with similar situation when it happens to you. May you be well and happy.
28th Nov 2010
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