I think you would agree with me that at times when we are given some good advise, we just brushed it aside. There are time when we have a piece of precious jewel that rolled into our hands, yet we throw it away thinking that's just another piece of invaluable stone.
We are too stupid. Our ego does not allow some else to be more clever than us. What a shame to mankind. But that's the way it has been since the beginning of human being living on earth. It happens every where. It happens then and now. It'll continue to happen in the future.
Kindly allow me to share with you a story of how even at the time of the Buddha, the 5 monks who became the 1st batch of Bhikkhus to receive the Dhamma from the Buddha, initially they too cast doubts in the Buddha.
The story goes like this;
After attaining enlightenment at Bodh Gaya the Buddha went to Sarnath and it was here that he preached his first discourse in the deer park to set-in motion the "Wheel of the Dhamma". The 5 Bhikkhus whom the Buddha has lived in the forest for a few years where he seek to learn from them the answers to the question on how to end the suffering of lives.
While at this very site, though the Buddha sought them out for their welfare, the 5 Bhikkhus hasn't wanted to receive him. They'd revered him as their leader when the Buddha been the supreme ascetic, but the Buddha had then disillusion the 5 Bhikkhus by 'giving up the struggle" and reverting to the "luxury" of eating everyday.
"What if we don't greet him" they thought when they saw the Buddha returning after his awakening at Bohd Gaya. But as he drew near, his majestic bearing, his ease and radiance got them to their feet despite themselves.... one took his outer robe and his bowl, one prepared a seat, one set up water for washing is feet, a footstool, and a towel.
"Give your ears" said the Buddha, "the deathless is found. I shall instruct you. I shall teach you the Dhamma". The 5 Bhikkhus tried to resist, but who who could hold out against an awakened one? "By practicing as you are instructed you will, by realizing it yourself here and now through direct insight-knowledge, enter upon and abide in that supreme goal of the holy life for the sake of which men of good family rightly go forth from home to homeless"
I hope we can learn from this story and open our hearths to people who have some good things to share with us. We shouldn't be too eager to shot him down. Listen to what he has to say first. Then we do our own investigation to see if what he had just say is true or not.
Also like to take this opportunity to wish you "Happy Labour's Day". Have a good rest. May you be well and happy.
1st May 2011
- The scent of flowers cannot go against the wind
- Story of Visakha
- Buddhist Tales for Young and Old
- The Story of Theri Kisagotami
- The Story of Sariputta
- Solid Like a Rock
- The Story of Suppabuddha
- Reality in Buddhist sutras
- There Is No Soul
- This Man Has 39 Wives
- Skillful Means to Handle People Who are Jealous of Your Success
- Bodh Gaya : Wheel of the Dhamma
- There is Too Much Ego in Us
- Understand and Practice both Vinaya and Dhamma
- Be Careful How We Give Judgment
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