There is this Buddhist story I used to hear during Dhamma talks. The story goes like this. There were 2 monks. One is a senior monk and the other is a junior. They were walking from one place to another in a distant.
They have walked for many hours and came to a river. At the river bank they met a woman who also intent to go to the other side of the river. But she have difficulty because the current was strong and she was afraid the current may sweep her away.
The monks enquired and found out her fear.,Without hesitation, the senior monk offered his help. The senior monk carried the woman on his shoulder and slowly crossed the river.
However, the junior monk was not too happy about what the senior monk have just did. He scolded the senior monk for carrying the woman on his shoulder. That was breaking the strict Sangha code of conduct.
The two monks continued their journey but the junior monk kept yaking yaking complaining to the senior monk about breaking the law. The senior monk kept silence but the junior was long winded and lament through-out the journey.
Finally the senior monk turned around and told-ff the junior monk. He said sternly to the junior monk "I've carried the woman but I've left her at the river bank. But you have not. You are the one carrying the woman. Not me. You've to learn how to let go. Now stop complaining"
With that the junior monk stopped. He didn't dare complain anymore. Story ends
I think we can learn two things from this story. One is that we have to let go when the event / things has stopped. Secondly, we have to allow spirit above the law. In this case, the senior monk was doing a good deed by carrying the woman across the river. The senior did not have any bad intention other than that. Therefore at times when things happened, we have to weight the spirit of the event before we give our judgement.
I hope you agree with me. Otherwise, pls share your thoughts with me.
9th Aug 2011
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