Monday, November 29, 2010

Some Meditation Tips

Monday, November 29, 2010



I noticed that some people who are new to meditation tend to dive into this aggressively. And they expect to achieve enlightened tomorrow. They sits really still for hours and hours. Shut their eyes tightly and concentrated very hard. They endured bodily pain and mosquitoes bites.

But, alas Jhana never come. There is not even a moment of bliss. It's a complete waste of time and after a while they frizzle out as fast as they have started. They did not know that it takes a long time to calm your mind. It takes even longer to experience peace and tranquility. And it could take a few life time to achieve Nibbanic state.

So for the beginners, here are some tips which I've learnt from Ajahn Sumeddho on how to get into meditation on a right footing.

To begin with, the emphasis is to recognize that restlessness for what it is, to no longer follow it, but to train oneself towards calm. It doesn't mean just to suppress the bodily formation and persecute it, but to train it because these bodies need to be trained with kindness.

If you brutalize animals, they are not very nice, aren't they? They are just frightened, untrustworthy, miserable creatures. To train an animal does not mean you just pamper it, but you guide it. It is the same with your own body. Your body needs to be respected and guided not to follow its restless energy and habits.

But it does not mean you should deny it everything either. A trainer needs to be someone who is both kind and firm, not stubborn or brutal. Not kind in the sense of giving everything, because that is not really being kind. But being caring, being concerned, having the right amount of interest. That is the proper attitude towards your own body and mind.

I hope this piece of information helps. May you be successful and gain progress in your meditation.

30th Nov 2010


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