Wednesday, December 8, 2010

This Blog Has Achieved a Milestone of 30,000 Hits

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Dear Friends,

Trust you are well and fine.

This blog that I've started writing slightly over 2 years ago have reached a milestone of 30,000 hits. This is a marvelous achievement for a non-writer like me. I feel happy. I feel delighted that so many people have visited me.

It is my great pleasure to share whatever little I know about the teaching from this great teacher, The Lord Buddha. Though he lived 2,550 years ago, his words is still so relevant to us today. His teaching is so profound we just can't find any error at all.

Beside hyping my ego larger than ever for getting so many hits, the real satisfaction for writing a blog like this is the self educational process. I take pain in doing some research for the articles that I've posted. I must get my fact right so that readers will not be misled. Hence, the research process have brought about better understanding of the Buddha Dhamma to me. This indeed is priceless.

May I take this opportunity to thank all of you out there for visiting me. Thanks to some of you who have left comments on my article respectively. I have learned from you too. And may I also take this opportunity to say sorry if certain articles did not live up to your expectation. Or if my writing have offended you. I asked for forgiveness.

Lastly, I hope you do enjoyed reading my articles and will come back for more. May you be well and happy always.

9th Dec 2010


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