Sunday, June 5, 2011

Ehi Passiko - Come and See

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Ehi Passiko is one of the qualities of the Dhamma. The Dhamma, unlike the teachings of other religions, does not require blind faith. The Dhamma invites one to come and investigate to see and experience for oneself. It does not fear examination or critical analysis.

Ehi Passiko is certainly not a strategy for the dissemination of the Dhamma. The Buddha did not just sit under a tree wishing that those who will be impressed with his aura would approach and ask him questions.

On the contrary, the Buddha actively walked the Ganges valley teaching and benefiting people from all walks of life. This is again reflected in his admonition to the first 60 arahants when he asked them to "go forth and teach the Dhamma for the welfare of the world ".

- Lee Yu Ban


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