Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hinayana Vs Mahayana

Sunday, August 28, 2011



We all have heard about the 2 main school of Buddhism, Hinayana and Mahayana. But do we really know what's the different? Therefore may I take this liberality to list down a simplified comparison among the two. I'm lucky to come across this while reading a book written by Hutson Smith.

Hinayana (Theravada) tradition

1 Human being are emancipated by self-effort without supernatural aid

2 Key virtue is Wisdom

3 Attainment require constant commitment and is primarily for monks and nuns

4 Ideal is centered on an Arathan remains in Nirvarna after death

5 Buddha is a saint, the supreme teacher and inspirer

6 Does not emphasize so much on metaphysics

7 Does not emphasize on rituals

8 Main practice is centered on meditation

Mahayana tradition

1 Human aspiration are supported by divine powers and the grace they bestow

2 Key virtue is compassion

3 Religious practice is relevant to life in this world and thereafter for laypeople

4 Ideal is centered on the Bodhisattava

5 Buddha is a savior

6 Elaborates metaphysics

7 Put emphasis on ritual

8 Practice includes petitioner prayers

I hope this helps. I also this will help you explain to your friends when such question pops-up.

29th Aug 2011


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