Monday, May 16, 2011

Buddha's Enlightenment on Wesak Day

Monday, May 16, 2011



Tomorrow is Wesak Day. Which is one of the most important day in the Buddhist calendar. On this day about 2,555 year a young prince was born, the same prince became enlightened after sitting on a Bodhi tree. And on this day some 80 years later the Buddha passes away into the final death where he no longer is reborn again.

While sitting at the Bodhi tree meditating for many weeks the sage looked into his mind deepely and found the answers to the universe. He also found the most important answer that lead to liberation of mankind.

Here's the brief

The Bodhisatta entered into deeper and deeper states of meditation in which his mind became perfectly calm and still. Then with his mind calm and concentrated, the realizations into the Laws of the Universe began to unfold.

These took place over the three watches of the night.
In the first watch of the night, he recollected all the of his former lives.
In the second watch of the night he developed the divine eye with which he was able to look out upon the world and see the rise and passing away of all sentient beings, according to their kamma.
In the third watch of the night he penetrated the deepest truths of the Dhamma. He discovered the Law of Dependent Arising – patticasamuppada. He arrived at the realization of the Four Noble Truths.

At the end of the night his mind was liberated from all the screens of ignorance, and he sat beneath the bodhi tree no longer a Bodhisatta – a seeker of Enlightenment – but now a finder of Enlightenment, a Sammasambuddha, a perfectly enlightened one.

He uttered,

Through many of samsara’s births
I hasten seeking, finding not
the builder of this house:
pain is birth again, again. Dhammapada Verse 153
O builder of this house you’re seen,
you shall not build a house again,
all your beams have given away,
rafters of the ridge decayed,
mind to the unconditioned gone,
exhaustion of craving has it reached. Dhammapada Verse 154

Pls enjoy the video of the Bodhi tree at Bodhgaya India. Thanks to Bro Teh of BPHP Teluk Intan
for putting this piece of slide video together. sadhu

For those who could not watch this video, pls click here to go to You tube

Happy & Contemplative Wesak to All.

16th may 2011


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