Saturday, December 24, 2011

Discussion on Nibanna (Part 3)

Saturday, December 24, 2011



Here is the 3rd part of the discussion of this topic Nibanna. You can read the previous article here and here. In this article, I publish a respond from my friend Lee yu Ban. He says...


Nibbana is a major topic...and really all of ushere will be talking about something we do not know.  And the more we talkthe more we show off our ignorance.  So according to what I do not know, Nibbana isattained upon the destruction of the 10 fetters ( Samyojana) of which Ignorance(Avijja) is the Dictator, the final fetter to be destroyed.  The wholeprocess is like a war.  The Buddha said in verse 103 "Greater inbattle than the man who would conquer a thousand-thousand men, is he who wouldconquer just one — himself."

Avoiding bad kamma and doing good Kamma sets theconditions for the Final Battle - the purification of the mind of these 10Fetters. Avoiding evil and doing good is training and equipping your army withthe best skills and weapons . Exercises like the Brahmaviharas are the trainingcamps you send your mind to.  To battle we all have to go. The strategy todestroy the 10 Fetters is laid out in the 8 fold path.  

Before the warrior goes into battle, he studiesthe layout of the battle field. The Buddha has reconnoitered the land and hasmade his report in the Paticca Samuppada ~ " The 12 links of DependentOrigination".  We can see that the enemy has weaknesses.  Thereis a weak link between Feeling (Vedana) and Grasping (Tanha).  So wedirect our army of Sati and Samadhi at this link, and if we manage to sever it,the enemy's supply chain is broken,  Avijja cannot operate further andfalls into cessation (Nirodha). And the empire of Samsara is destroyed once andfor all.

Simple isn't it?


Join me tomorow for the next respond from another friend. Happy holidays

25th Dec 2011


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