Sunday, December 25, 2011

Discussion on Nibanna (Part 4)

Sunday, December 25, 2011



The discussion continues with another respond from another Buddhist friends. He says...

"Hi Bugs,
I see youhave gotten some response already. Nibbana is always a difficult subject andfor us worldlings, a topic of grand speculation. But once in a while it servesto bring Dhamma friends together in warm discourse. Yu Ban's comments are veryprecise, the strategy to break the chains that bind is outlined in thediscourse on Dependent Origination. Kah Yein's viewpoints are interesting too.

I would liketo add that the good we do strengthens the pathway we tread on and supports ourefforts for liberation. The gathered good becomes a part of our mental beingand because it is wholesome and positive, makes it easier to turn away and letgo of defilements. I think this makes a difference during crucial points in thepractice. It allows our minds to be more 'obedient'.

I submitthat an Arahant is not someone who is distantly cold due to the fact thathe/she has no fetters or emotions. In fact the absence of these fetters resultsin the presence of wholesome states that are the characteristic of a free mind.The Arahant is naturally kind and compassionate without any reason to be. He orshe simply is. It is a return to the inherent wholesome, happy, luminous stateof a 'kilesa-less' mind.

I have alsoheard it described that Nibbana is 'no experience'. Some explain it as theunconditioned, therefore it is unlike anything we have 'experienced'. They haveno points of reference to describe it and therefore cannot. But when thisperson returns to worldly 'experience', he/she is full of good states. I wouldsay that while they are not exuberant and demonstrative, they are quietly happyand kind and would take up the opportunity to help others.

I agree theenergy of a being does not disappear but changes. Since kamma does not act onthis energy it again simply exists... and does not form the bundles ofsamsara-linked existence. I speculate it is filtered and clean energy, nottainted by unwholesomeness. Maybe it is the mysterious dark  energy that scientists suspect is there inthe universe but cannot explain as yet.

Absolutelymy views...


Siang Chye"

You may want to read part 1, part 2 and part 3. Watch this space for more discussion

Bugs Tan
26th Dec 2011


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