Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ending the World's Problem

Tuesday, November 1, 2011



I read the news that the world's population has risen to 7 billion. You can read the full story here. The trend is a one way track that only go upwards. So it's quite easy to predict the number in 10yrs times. And by about a hundred years time, the world population is so big that we cannot sustain ourselves anymore.

Food and water will be scare. Air will be polluted. Cost of living will be too high for anyone to get by. Life is so tough then. So tough that people will loose hope of living a normal life.

So how do you think we can solve this problem. It's no easy task man. It's an unsolvable problem!!! Don't try to think that the problem is not yours. The problem is beyond your time and by then you'll be dead and gone. But I would like to say hard luck to you. Because, the law of Kamma doesn't allow you to do escape so easily.  Pop! You are back on earth again. Smack right back at the center of the world's problem. Where human being behaves like animals.

But as a practicing Buddhist, I sees a small crack on the wall. I saw an escape route. That's to gain nirvana and never to be born again. That way we jump-out of the cycle of death and re-birth. We are totally out of the problem. Once and for all. We suffer no more. Ending the world's problem begins with ourselves.

These are my thoughts. Let's hear from you. What's yours.

Bugs Tan
2nd Nov 2011


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