Tuesday, November 1, 2011

CDMV becomes Largest pan-Canadian Distributor with Acquistion of DVS

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Denis Huard President of CDMV, announced today that it has taken steps to acquirethe assets of Distribution Vie et Santé (DVS). The official takeover of theseassets will take place on or about November 28, 2011.
The acquisition of Distribution Vie et Santé’s assets is an exceptionalopportunity for CDMV to retain in Québec and the Atlantic provinces aneffective and profitable expertise in the distribution of veterinary productsthat is highly valued by its customers. The alignment of the two companies’ valuesand cultures will help to ensure a transparent transition for clients.

As a result of this acquisition, CDMV will become the largest pan-Canadiandistributor of veterinary products, dealing with more than 2,700 veterinaryestablishments.

CDMV intends to keep the Québec City distribution centre’s activitiesoperational in order to serve customers located in that city and its immediatevicinity as well as those in the eastern part of the province. Clients in theAtlantic provinces will be served by CDMV’s distribution centre in Halifax.

CDMV has experienced strong growth for several years and this acquisition ispart of its commitment to ongoing innovation in order to continue to betterserve its clients. For more information, do not hesitate to contact:

Dr. Pierre Bédard, Director - Purchasing, Customer Service, Medical Info atCDMV
pierre.bedard@cdmv.com or450-771-2368 ext. 221
Hélène Ringuet, Director – Communications at CDMV
helene.ringuet@cdmv.com or450-771-2368 ext. 225
Alain Bernier, Vice-President - Distribution Vie et Santé
abernier@vieetsante.ca or418-650-7888 ext. 225


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