Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Corruption is a bad disease we need to get rid

Tuesday, November 1, 2011



I've voiced out many times that corruption hampers the smooth progress of a country. It kills the hope of a person who is trying to earn an honest living. Read about it here.

Today, there is a report saying Malaysian companies are corrupted. And I'm not surprise. Not even a bit. Read the article here

I knew all along that Malaysian businessmen generally resort to bribery to secure a deal. Offering bribery is as bad as taking a bribe. Both are unskillful act. Should be avoided. Totally.

Today I may be poor financially. But I'll never get caught for bribery therefore I'll never need to be shame in public for corruption. In that sense, I'm rich.

Bugs Tan
2nd Nov 2011


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