Friday, February 4, 2011

Tradition to Become Monk

Friday, February 4, 2011


Through-out South East Asia, it is very common for young men to become bhikkhus (or novices) for a short period of their life. Traditionally this occurs during the three months of the Rain Retreat, after which they disrobe and return to lay life hopefully knowing and appreciating much more about the bhikkhu life - and probably having friends still in the monastery whom they can visit for advice. In Thailand this means that while a small portion of bhikkhus will spend all their life in the robe, many more Thai men will have tasted the life.

Such an ordination is also a rite of passage, for it is a family, even a village event with many people joining in to see the young man off into this new stage of his life. The new monk will frequently visit his former home on his daily alms round so his ordination has a wider influence, showing the continuing possibility of living the "holy life" started by the Lord Buddha so long ago.

It may also considered a way for the young man to show his gratitude to his parents and grand parents, for they are thought to participate and share in the "merit" he makes through his ordination. Also, some men might ordain for a time before marriage - it almost seems that this is the way for the young man to prove his maturity to his fiancée - and then again later in life after retirement

- Ian Andreson


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