Friday, February 4, 2011

Serious Offence for Buddhist Monks

Friday, February 4, 2011



In the Buddhist tradition, the Lord Buddha has laid out simple rules for ordinary people to observe in order to live a virtues life with good moral. The Buddha has given us the 5 precept to obey. However, the monks have more rules to follow, that is the Vinaya Pitaka which have 227 rules. And a lady nun has 311 rules.

Among the 227 Vinaya rules, top on the order are 4 serious offends called Parajika. Which the monk must avoid at all cause. Breaking these strict rules would mean, the monk will face expulsion from the monastery.

The 4 parajika are :-

(i) The first Parjika: Whatever bhikkhu should indulge in sexual intercourse loses his bhikkhuhood.

(ii) The second Parajika: Whatever bhikkhu should take with intention to steal what is not given loses his bhikkhuhood.

(iii) The third Parajika: Whatever bhikkhu should intentionally deprive a human being of life loses his bhikkhuhood.

(iv) The fourth Parajika: Whatever bhikkhu claims to attainments he does not really possess, namely, attainments to jhæna or Magga and Phala Insight loses his bhikkhuhood.

It's always good to practice good morals even though we are not a monk yet.

5th Feb 2011


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