Sunday, January 1, 2012

Discussion on Nibbana (Part 9)

Sunday, January 1, 2012



Here's the 9th and final part of this discussion on Nibbana.

"Dear Dhamma Friends,

Happy New Year 2012. Today being the 1st day of anew year, may I take this auspicious occasion to wish everyone here on thisforum a good year ahead. May you and your family enjoy a year long of peace inthe mind, harmony at home and at work. May the Triple gem protect you always.

Coming back to the discussion. This is the 9th andfinal part of the series of discussion we had on this forum. I would like to thankBro Siang Chye, Yu Ban, Sis Kah Yein for your contribution to this discussion.Like me, I'm sure a lot more silent readers out there appreciates your views.

When I started out this discussion on Nibbana, Iknew I would not be able to get a straight answer. This is a difficult subjectwith no evident of having someone gone there and come back to tell us what isit all about. I'm just using the charter of free inquiry Ehi Passiko toinvestigate my thoughts further. I wanted to see, if anyone out there sharesthe same thought that I have. 

The results from this discussion has been fruitful.It's obvious to see that some people do agree with my views while others donot. This is what discussion is all about. Sharing of thoughts and viewsconstructively. While others (silent readers) on the side lines, have alsogained from this discussion

Once again thank you all and have a blissful year ahead.

Bugs Tan"

Thank you for participating in this discussion, even though many of you chose to remain silence. I hope you have gained some insight into this subject. Which I believe it is hard for a human being like us to grasp. We may think we are intellectual enough to find logic in most things in life. But, this has proven that we are far from that.  

Pls click on the link to read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 and Part 8

Wishing you a good year ahead
Bugs Tan
2nd Jan 2012


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