Saturday, December 31, 2011

Discussion on Nibbana (Part 8)

Saturday, December 31, 2011



Happy New Year 2012.

We have discussed this topic for a few sessions now. Today is the part 8 of the series of 9 parts. This is what Bro Tan Siang Chye have to say...

Dear mittas,

It seems we have moved now to thesubject of Kamma. 

Personally I think it might not be soincorrect to describe Kamma as a form of 'energy' as many writers and speakershave referred to it a such. It is can be purely 'academic' as to what weperceive Kamma to be, but this term might be very close to an acceptabledescription. I have heard late Chief, Ven. Dhammananda use the term 'Kammicenergy' a number of times and I have on occasion called it that in my talks.

The famous writer Ven. Nyanatiloka inhis essay on Kamma and Rebirth submitted:
According to Buddhism, there are threefactors necessary for the rebirth of a human being, that is, for the formationof the embryo in the mother's womb. They are: the female ovum, the male sperm,and the karma-energy (kamma-vega), which in the Suttas ismetaphorically called "gandhabba," i.e. "ghost," or"soul." This kamma-energy is sent forth by a dying individual at themoment of his death. The father and mother only provide the necessary physicalmaterial for the formation of the embryonic body. With regard to thecharacteristic features, the tendencies and faculties lying latent in theembryo, the Buddha's teaching may be explained in the following way: The dyingindividual, with his whole being convulsively clinging to life, at the verymoment of his death sends forth kammic energies which, like aflash of lightning, hit at a new mother's womb ready for conception. Thus,through the impinging of the kamma-energies on ovum and sperm, there appearsjust as a precipitate the so-called primary cell.
... On thisoccasion no transmigration of a sound-sensation takes place, but simply atransference of energy, called the air vibrations. In a similar way, the kamma-energies,sent out by the dying individual, produce from the material furnished by theparents the new embryonic being. But no transmigration of a real being, or asoul-entity, takes place on that occasion, but simply the transmission of kamma-energy. 

I refer to this quote in NaradaMahathera's essay Buddhism in a Nutshell where he wrote:

At the moment of conception it ispast Kamma that conditions the initial consciousness that vitalizesthe fetus. It is this invisible Kammic energy, generated from ... etc.

These can be found on the Accessto Insight site. 

We could alternatively refer to Kammaas Law, Order, Force, Workings, Fuel and might not be wrong.It is difficult to precisely define what it is so depending on context we use avariety of terms. It's there and we believe it works. The important thing isfor the audience to grasp how it relates to lives, past, present andfuture. 

Hope this helps.

Siang Chye

Pls click on the link to read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 and Part 7

See you tomorrow for the final part

Bugs Tan
1st Day of the year 2012


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