Monday, December 12, 2011

There can be no friendship with fools

Monday, December 12, 2011



For many years I've tried to find some friends to "grow old" with. I first have this concept like 20 years ago when I was in my early 30ys. I was very active in cricket then. And I had many happy moments with a few friends within this fraternity. Most of them play social cricket. Some of us then plough back time and effort to develop young children to play this wonder game of cricket which we all have enjoyed and benefited.

But alas, I discovered that they are not worth growing old with. They stabbed my back. They do not have principles in their dealing. They have no value in their conduct of running the junior development program. I found out that they were not sincere at all in our cause. So, I dropped them and move on with my life.

I then grew very interested in invention. And again I got into the community and became very active in a leading society in this field. I thought I put my hands to help out. I also have then met a few good inventor whom I became close with. We are like birds of the same feather. We flock together and do many things together in the society. Again the concept of picking a few close friends to grow old with came about. Yet again, they failed me one by one.

I found out the hard way when I was left in the lurch in a battle which some of them and I all had agreed to go into. Those b******* stabbed me at the back and left me to defend for myself. It is as clear as letting me  to blow myself into pieces. It's commit suicide 9-11 style.

To make matter worst, I fell for the 2nd time. Basically I've got to blame myself. I'm a weak person and I thought I forgive these "good friends" and bury the hatches. But those b****** never changed. Once again they let me down big time. Boom! I blew myself again into pieces right in the middle of a game plan. The plan of "if you die, I'll die with you" is now left just for me to die alone while they make don't know and walked away in one piece. In fact they begun to spread lies about me after setting me up. That's really bad.

Once again, the formula of picking a few friends to grow old with didn't work. I don't think it'll ever work for me. I've now given up this idea though.

On the same note, here's what the Buddha has to say.

Avoid going along with fools.
Should one fail to find one better or equally as companion
then one should continue this journey alone.
There can be no friendship with fools.

Dhammapada V61

Buddha is so wise. I just wished I have contacted the Buddha Dhamma earlier in my life.

May you be well an d happy

Bugs Tan 
12th Dec 2011


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