Sunday, October 16, 2011

Open Letter to the pet industry - Update on the Breeder Codes

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Dear Industry Member:

In October 2010 amidst the panoramic view of Lake Louise, a discussion began on the topic of how to ensure breeders of companion animals produce quality animals in our communities. Today we have an outcome of that conversation to present to you: The Breeder Code of Ethical Conduct

This was a collaborative effort with voices from every corner of the companion animal industry lending their insight and expertise. The process was open, honest, productive and innovative; in that all our deliberations and comments are posted on a wiki for anyone to see, and we also employed live tweets during our meetings.

Once the first iteration of the code was ready, there was a commitment to submit it to each member of the companion animal industry. So here it is for your perusal, I hope you will tangibly support the work your part of the industry has helped to produce.

The Breeder Code of Ethical Conduct is the stepping stone for bigger and better things. With this Code in place as the moral bedrock, more detailed codes of behavior and ‘best practices’ guidelines can come forward and give the industry, and the public some tangible ways to distinguish the truly committed and caring breeders within our community.

Work continues on the code with focus on how best to present this to the community, and once again your input will help shape the strategy and content of that message. Use whatever means you can to provide your input to this next phase and continue the iterative process. Input is welcome in many forms; commenting on the Open Space wiki, responding to online surveys, commenting to blogs and tweets, or simply emails your thoughts.

I want to thank you and your members for participating in the formulation of this code. I believe this Breeder Code of Ethical Conduct will serve as a template for future industry codes to develop; not only in its physical framework, but in its collaborative and organic process.

Click to access the full document.


Joe Mauro

Chair, Breeder Code Working Group


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