Monday, October 17, 2011

Dhamma is About Nature

Monday, October 17, 2011



Wheneverpleasant or unpleasant experience happens, wisdom is able to arise there. If weknow what happiness and suffering really are, then we know the Dhamma. If weknow the Dhamma, we know the world clearly; if we know the world clearly, weknow the Dhamma

Actually,for most of us, if something is displeasing we don’t really want to know aboutit. We get caught up in the aversion to it. If we dislike someone we don’t wantto look at his face or get anywhere near him. This is a mark of foolish,unskillful person: this is not the way of a good person.

If we likesomeone then of course we want to be close to him we make every effort to bewith him taking delight in his company. This is also foolishness. They areactually the same, like the palm and back of a hand.

Pleasurehides pain and pain hides pleasure from our sight. Wrong cover-up right andright cover-up wrong. Just looking at one side of the story, our knowledge isnot complete.  Therefore let’s do thingscompletely while we still have time in this life. Keep on looking at things,separating truth from falsehood, noting how things really are. Getting to theend of it. Reaching eternal peace.

May you bewell and happy. Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu

16thOct 2011


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