Friday, July 15, 2011

Lesson learned from Bresih Rally 2.0

Friday, July 15, 2011



I love reading Dhamma book and I remember having read somewhere that the residence monks at Wat Pat Pong in Thailand have complained to Ajhan Chah about the laud noise that is coming from another temple nearby. The monks complained that the noise is disturbing them.

In reply, Ajahn Chah said "the noise doesn't disturb us. It is us who is disturbing the noise". I find it hard to understand that. I don't get it. I don't understand how can we disturb the noise per say. It's just not logical. Anyway, I left it as it is without investigating further.

But today, I think I know what Ajahn Chah is talking about.

Last weekend there was a big rally by the supporters of Bersih on the streets of Kuala Lumpur. People from all walks of life flocked into the city of Kuala Lumpur demanding for a fair election process.

The government panic and did a few silly things that aggravated the situation. That day came. 9th July and about 50,000 people took the streets of Kuala Lumpur. The police retaliated by using tear gas, water cannon. Police use force against ordinary citizens.

It was a tense afternoon. People may get hurt. My fear is that someone may die out of this confrontation. I did not participate even though I was invited by a few friends. I stayed away. But the situation was certainly very tense and I followed the event over the internet. Many pictures, videos, live reports where flooding on Facebook, twitter, Malaysiakini, Malaysia Insider and etc.

I can feel the tense even though I'm not there on the streets with my friends. But my mind was with them.

From this experience, now I think I know what Ajahn Chah meant by saying it is not the noise that disturb us. It is us who is disturbing the noise.

Here you can see. I can actually go along with the rally in Kuala Lumpur. Whether physically walking on the street or following the event over the internet. I can chose to go along with the event (noise). Or I can chose to cut myself off from the event (noise).

Now I think I've understood.

15th July 2011


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