Friday, July 1, 2011

I am with DAP and proud to be one

Friday, July 1, 2011



Here is a friend of the Buddhist community who have recently entered politics. Which I fully support. I feel Loka Ng Sai Kai has done the right thing. The Buddhist community also needed to be heard. And I know Loka will always be there to voiced it out.

Well done Loka and we are proud of you too.

Here is the excerpt taken from his blog Loka Vacana

Hmm..... maybe those who reads only English paper like The Star and have yet to attend any of the last two DAP fundraising dinners in USJ are not aware of the fact that I has been involved with DAP for more than a year now. I am a DAP member and proud to be one too.

Since there is free publicity for my branch now, if anyone wanna join our new branch - the DAP USJ East branch, you are welcome to contact me.

And as usual, being a Buddhist activist for more than 20 years now, if the Buddhist temples/centres you are attached to have any issues to raise especially with the Selangor state government, do continue to contact me too.- Loka SK Ng

Wishing him all the best and may Loka be blessed with good things in life for the meritorious deeds that he is contributing to the Buddhist community in Malaysia.

Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu

3rd July 2011


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