Friday, March 11, 2011

Buddhist Views on Tusnami and Other Natural Diasasters

Friday, March 11, 2011



Here is a short explanation on why Tsunami happened. The below is a comment from Ven Dhammika and is taken from Buddhist Channel

Then how does Buddhism explain natural disasters like the tsunami? In a sense it does not have to explain them! It is only belief in an all-knowing, all-loving and all-powerful God that compels us to try to explain and explain away all the evidence that seems to contradict this belief. When God is taken out of the picture the answer is really very simple. The universe does not conform to out desires and wishes. It takes no notice of us and our aspirations.

The earth’s tectonic plates move and sometimes they move in ways that cause destruction. It rains and sometimes it rains too much or not enough and causes distress to humans. There are such things as bacteria. Sometimes they get established in our system and cause us disease. We live in a dynamic universe and sometimes events are to our benefit and at other times to our detriment. That’s the way the world is.

Buddhism is not concerned with explaining why this is so, it simply makes the common sense assertion that the universe is dukkha - sometimes at odds with our dreams, our wishes and our desires. What Buddhism is concerned with is teaching us to modify our desires so we are less likely to be in conflict with the way things and how to remain calm and content when they do conflict with the way things are.

My prayers goes to those who have perished in this earth quake and tsunami in Japan. May they get a good re-birth. And for those who have suffered from this disaster, may you pick your life back again. May you continue to have strength to go on. May you find peace in your hearth. May you keep focusing on rebuilding your lives.

My thoughts are with you.

12th Mar 2011


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