Saturday, February 4, 2012

Where is the Best Place for God to Hide

Saturday, February 4, 2012



Here is a story I heard from Ven Sanghasena when he visited Kuala Lumpur a couple of months back. I thought this story is good for Dhamma school. So kindly allow me to re-produced his story here.

The story goes like this.

Millions and millions of years ago, in the beginning when the earth was nice and clean without any human being. God the says why not make a few human being to live there. So God made a man and a woman. He told this man and woman to produce as many children as possible and life happily on earth. Where food and water is plenty. They can plant any thing on the soil and get all sort of food and fruits they want.

God also says if you have a problem please let him know so that he can help.

Soon, the man and woman then have children. And many hundreds years later the world is populated and hundreds and thousand of people. This is where God gets to become very buzy. Because, more and more people have problem and always called upon God.

People would cheat each other. And the one got cheated would ask God why it happened to him. And when possible they also want God to punish the person who cheated them and return the money and things. This goes the same with stealing case, rape case, jealously, hatred, greed and all sort of no good things.

Everybody has been praying to God for this and that. Even little things like when a child want a toy, he ask God. God is now not too happy about all this. He has begun to regret creating man and woman on earth. But God has no choice but to life with it. God can't kill all the people on earth.

So one day God went to see a king and ask for some advise. He asked the king to recommend a good place to hide. So that people cannot find him. So that he can enjoy peace and harmony by himself.

Then the King asked his group of ministers to help God. Think of a place for God to hide said the King

One junior minister suggested that God should hide on Mt Everest. That's the highest place in the world and people can't find him. But it was't a good idea because people can climb the mountain and find God. So that's not a good idea.

Then another minister suggested that God should hide in the bottom of the sea. Then people will not find God because it's too deep for human to go there. Again, this's not a good idea. Human have invented submarine and it able to go even to the deepest ocean.

A few weeks passes by and finally one elderly and wise minister made a suggestion. He recommended that God should hide in the heart of a person. He explained that normally people would be able to find things that is outside but very rarely people search what is inside themselves.

Ah... that is a brilliant idea said God. So God agrees and said that will be the answer to my problem. I'll now go and hide in the hearth of each and every person. That way they cannot find me said God.

End of the story.

Well I think this is a fantastic story to tell kids. If you want to do something fishy and is not sure whether to do it or not. You can ask God who is now living in our heart. He'll give you an answer.

Thanks for reading and I hope you like the story as much as I've enjoy blogging it here for you.

For more stories on Ven Sanhasena pls click here, here, here, here and here

Bugs Tan
5th Feb 2012


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