Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Animal Rights : Obama vs. Romney

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


The NRA is known as a single issue organization - all they care about are gun rights - Which politician is for a strict reading of the 2nd amendment, and which opposes it, and therefore opposes them.

Their members tend to vote accordingly.

Animal rights/rescuers are similar. Next year's NYC Mayoral race will pit current City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, who is notoriously anti-animal,  against a host of other candidates, at least one who appears to be very pro-animal, Scott Stringer.

I can guarantee that most animal rights people will be voting Stringer (or, at the very least, anybody but Quinn)!

The upcoming Presidential election is a little more difficult when based solely on animal rights issues.

Let's say it comes down to Mitt Romney and Barack Obama.

They have each been the subject of one headline, as far as I know, that relate to animals rights...

Obama Calls Eagles Owner To Congratulate Him For Signing Michael Vick (Obama has yet to call to check up on the dogs that were saved) - Let's also not forget that Obama didn't initially congratulate them - He waited for a year until it was obvious that Vick was (largely) accepted by fans and was having a good year.

(Obama also just signed into law a bill that repealed a ban on horse meat plant inspections, allowing horses to be killed for food, though this is a more prickly call about whether it is just or not)...


Romney Strapped Dog To Car Roof (this was for a family car rise from Boston to Ontario - Romney later claimed that the dog "enjoyed" it and has shown zero remorse)

So, tough choice, huh? I guess that, as we seem to always have to do when voting, choose the lessor of the two evils.

Which one is it?

Harris Bloom



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