Friday, December 23, 2011

Massive Collaboration provides an Industry Win and Shareholder Profits

Friday, December 23, 2011


Every time you solve a 'Captcha' test to enter a website or change a password you're part of a massive collaboration that contributes the ten seconds you invest towards improving the accuracy of web content. 

Now that you understand the power and effect of adding millions of very small contributions together to solve problems, you will understand Massive Collaboration and the competitive advantage accrued by those who combine this strategy with modern cloud computing.

Investors need to pay attention to a new economy play like the PetLynx utility, which uses massive collaboration techniques to solve urban animal problems like recovering lost pets, eliminating puppy mills and increasing bylaw compliance. By giving every citizen the ability to participate in solving community problems they have created a huge competitive advantage that translates directly into a win for the community and shareholder profits. 


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