Thursday, December 29, 2011

Discussion on Nibbana (Part 6)

Thursday, December 29, 2011



This is part 6 of the discussion. Another respond from Lee Yu Ban

"Hi bugs,
i become vary when  the word"energy" is used.  In science, energy has very cleardefinitions  It can be measured precisely and is subject to known laws ofphysics.  But "new -agers" use the word energy for anything theywant it to mean. 

So is kamma equivalent to energy as understood byscience ? Absolutely not.  Is kamma energy in the way it is used by NewAgers? Well, New-agers use the term in any way they want to use it. Although it can be useful to describe kamma as a kind of energy, to facilitatecommunication, Theravada Buddhism likes to be precise so I would say it isincorrect for us to describe it in this way.  I don't see kamma as a"thing".  Kamma is actions and depending on our motivations, itconditions the sankharas ( mental units), which conditions our consciousness,which in turn conditions our rebirth.

Anyway, the Buddha said that understanding theworkings of kamma is one of the "Imponderables" and your mind wouldsplit before you can understand it in an intellectual manner.


There are another couple more respond to this discussion. I hope you'll follow this.

Taking this opportunity to wish you Happy New Year 2012

Bugs Tan
29th Dec 2011


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