Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Discussion On Nibanna (Part 5)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011



Here is my reply to the few responds I get on this discussion on Nibanna. These are my thought...

" Dear Bro Siang Chye

Sukihotu. Thanks for contributing to this discussion.

Sis Kah Yein and you sort of agrees with me that that kamma is some sort of energy. But kindly allow me to stress again and see if I've got you both on the same page.

I perceived that kamma is a form (bundle) of energies. And like what we know from the law of conservation of energy which says "energy cannot be created nor destroyed. It can only change from one form to another." 

Therefore when a person reaches arahanthood and dies, his kamma energy did not disappear, but change into natural energy. Which does not have any conditioned element that could bring it to any of the 31 plane of existence. Hence, we says that he has entered Nirvana.

Betul kah?

I'm trying to narrow down to tight "kamma is equal to energy". I'm not sure if it is correct to say that in Buddhism, the ultimate truth is in the kalapas. According to the Abhidhamma there are 8 kalapas which, when combined to one another, it makes everything that exist in this world. The kalapas mentioned in the Bhidhamma are; earth, water, fire, air, colour, smell, taste and nutritive essence.

I'll let this paragraph explain more abt the works of kalapas:-

The real meaning of Anicca is that Impermanence or Decay is the inherent nature of everything that exists in the 
Universe — whether animate or inanimate. The Buddha taught His disciples that everything that exists at the material 
level is composed of "Kalapas." Kalapas are material units very much smaller than atoms, which die out immediately after they come into being. Each kalapa is a mass formed of the eight basic constituents of matter, the solid, liquid, 
calorific and oscillatory, together with color, smell, taste, and nutriment. The first four are called primary qualities, and are predominant in a kalapa. The other four are subsidiaries, dependent upon and springing from the former. A kalapa is the minutest particle in the physical plane — still beyond the range of science today. It is only when the eight basic material constituents unite together that the kalapa is formed. In other words, the momentary collocation of these eight basic elements of behaviour makes a man just for that moment, which in Buddhism is known as a kalapa. The life-span of a kalapa is termed a moment, and a trillion such moments are said to elapse during the wink of a man's eye. These kalapas are all in a state of perpetual change or flux. To a developed student in Vipassana Meditation they can be felt as a stream of energy. 

What the Buddha has taught us is beyond today's science. A unit of Kalapa is very much smaller than an atom that we know today. But we all know that every thing in this world is made-up of a combinations of billions units of atoms energy.

What I'm trying to drive at is that when a person reached arahanthood, Nirvana is in the state of his mind. He is like what Yu Ban said, "had gotten rid of all 10 fetters". But when an Arahant dies, I like to believe that his energy will turned into natural energy, because there is an absence of kammic element for re-birth.

That's my theory.

What do you think? 



Pls click here to read part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4 of this discussion.

Bugs Tan
28th Dec 2011


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