Friday, November 25, 2011

KL Mental Health Association

Friday, November 25, 2011


It's gives me great joy  to announce that KL Buddhist Mental Health Association (BMHA) is launching its first product,"3G-GRATITUDE: Card Game For Happiness Workout." This product is specially designed to cultivate gratitude & contentment for mental health & happiness in life. The 'mind-gym' game is based on ancient Buddhist wisdom & state-of-the-art research in positive psychology.

1st G– Be grateful for something that has gone RIGHT
SOME-Thing that had happened according to our wish,especially those that we have worked hard for, e.g. proper education, freescholarship, meaningful career, successful business, comfortable house to stay,car to move around, professional recognition, getting married, having children,etc. Rejoice and enjoy the achievements and successes of life as if they havejust happened yesterday. Getting what we want is happiness. Rejoicing everydayin what we have gotten is the art of multiplying happiness.

2nd G– Be grateful for something that is OK but taken for granted
SOME-Thing that we tend to take for granted, e.g.our good health, enough food to eat, proper place to stay, caring andsupportive family members, etc. Many others are suffering from diseases, physicaldisabilities, wars, poverty and deprived of basic human needs. Don’t misssomeone or something only when we lose them. Cherish them here-and-now.

3rd G– Be grateful for something that went WRONG with a purpose
SOME-Thing that is unpleasant but with valuablelessons learned, e.g. falling sick and admitted to the hospital, but appreciatelife more upon recovery and discharge from the hospital; failed in examinationbut becoming more knowledgeable in subsequent attempt. Everything in lifehappens with some good purpose! This includes something that went wrong but itcould have been worse, e.g. having nose allergy vs. nose cancer, losing a handphone vs. family member, suffering alone vs. knowing that someone has similarsuffering.

Sadhu to Dr. Phang Cheng Kar (MD) for driving this program. Pls go to the website here

Bugs Tan


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