Tuesday, November 1, 2011

2011 Year of the Cat Initiative Surpasses all Expectations

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Wow the 2011 Year of the Cat collaborators have blown the lid off this national activity! 

Dr. Liz O'Brien and her collaborators had a Vision to increase the value of owned, homeless and feral cats in Canadian communities.  

They intended to identify and register 10,000 cats during this year long initiative.  As they start week #44 they have completed 14,614 registrations. In addition, these collaborators have brought the PetLynx automated national recovery system to over 200 communities and assisted in 19,177 cat recovery episodes. 

Thank you to Bayer, Boehringer-Ingelheim, Ontario SPCA, PetSmart Charities, Procter & Gamble, Western Financial Insurance, CDMV and the more than 1,500 volunteer collaborators across Canada who have added their voice and resources to support this initiative.  The 2011 Year of the Cat initiative is the most successful initiative arising out of the International Summit for Urban Animal Strategies in its six year history.  

Those behind this initiative still have 8 weeks to go before the final numbers are recorded in the 2011 history book. The industry stands amazed!

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