Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Happy Pavarana Day

Wednesday, October 12, 2011



Pavarana is a Buddhist holy day celebrated on the full moon of the eleventh lunar month. It marks the end of the month of Vasssa, sometimes called "Buddhist Lent." This day marks the end of the rainy season in some Asian countries like Thailand, where Theravada Buddhism is practiced. 
On this day, each monk must come before the Sangha and atone for an offense he may have committed during the Vassa.
However most Mahayana Buddhists do not observe Vassa, though many monks in Korea and Vietnam do observe an equivalent retreat of three months of intensive practice in one location.

I rejoices with Venerable Bhikkhus and friends in the Awakened One's inspiring prediction

O monks, let alone seven years. Should any person practice these four foundations of mindfulness in this manner for six years... five years... four years... three years... two years... one year, then one of these two fruits may be expected by him: highest knowledge here and now, or if some remainder of clinging is yet present, the state of non-returning.

More abt Rain Retreat here on Buddhist Channel.

Sending my feelings of joyful appreciation and gratitude to all Bhantes and kalyanamittas whom have gained from this Vassa. Even though I have no chance of experiencing the goodness of a rain retreat, but my Saddha in the teaching of the Buddha Dhamma is unshakable. I inspired to take the rain retreat myself one day. If not in this life time, I'll do it in my next.

Bugs Tan
13th Oct 2011


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