Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering 9/11

Sunday, September 11, 2011


As the world stops to remember the tragic events of 9/11, as we look to pay homage to those that were lost and those who raised their hands to help out in the chaotic aftermath, we must not forget the nearly 100 loyal search and rescue dogs who tirelessly searched for anyone trapped alive amongst the wreckage.

AVMA's Veterinary Medical Assistance Teams and FEMA search and rescue dogs worked alongside human first responders to find trapped people and bodies. Also providing support was Suffolk County SPCA (SCSPCA), this Long-Island-based, independent all-volunteer group went straight into the disaster site, helping the SAR dogs. They spent eight straight weeks searching for and treating any pets that were hurt and lost in the attacks, providing water and food, booties to protect paws and medications for burning and itching eyes from the smoke and debris and of course reuniting them with their pet parents.

An article by Wendy Diamond at the reflects back to the tragic events of 9/11 and gives advice on how one can prepare their pets for a large-scale disaster.

Read the full article

You may also be interested in reading about Red, a 12 year old Labrador who searched the rubble of the Pentagon with her handler. Not long after American Airlines flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon on September 11, Red was at work. She was 18 months old and only recently certified as a rescue dog, a rookie among more veteran canines.

Read the full story

Ten years later only 12 of these four legged, furry heroes
are still alive, they have been commemorated in a touching series of portraits entitled 'Retrieved'

Read the article by Ann Edwards. The 9/11 rescue dogs: Portraits of the last surviving animals who scoured Ground Zero one decade on.


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