Friday, September 30, 2011

Broken Marriages

Friday, September 30, 2011



This story was related to me by my friend Johnny (not his real name). Johnny said his wife Betty (not her real name) has recently told of a story of a broken marriage. The story goes like this. Betty saw a woman searching for a mobile phone in the bushes just outside her condo. Betty asked why is she there in the bushes with 2 other guards. She enquires what are they all searching for. By the way Johnny and Betty lives in the same condominium as that woman but on a different floor. And the guard are condo's securities.

That women replied that she was looking for a mobile phone that was thrown out by her husband from the 6th floor. Betty took pity and ask if everything was alright. That woman did not reply but had a sad and worried face.

Betty was in her car looking through the condo fence when that conversation took place. She asked if she had a quarrel with her husband. "How did you know? Did you hear us quarrel?" that women asked in desperation. Betty replied "no" she did not hear it. But it's obvious there was a quarrel and Betty can sense it.

The woman then started to pour out to Betty. She told Betty that her husband has another woman. His friend smoke and drink all the time. They could go gambling in a club and at times can lose up to $80,000 in one night. Malaysian man! They are all the same. USELESS!

Immediately Betty responded "No No No. Not all. Not all men are like that". The woman continues to lament. She wants to return to Australia soon. She has an Australian PR. She was looking for the mobile phone because there are evident of "the other woman" in the mobile phone. She needed that to divorce her husband. She even said her husband beats her. She all stressed-out. But Betty tried to comfort her by telling her that not all man are like that. There are some good man around.

In between the serous talk, Betty also advised the woman to wear long sleeve and long pants. The mosquitoes are biting her. Soon a car behind honk because Betty's car was blocking the traffic. She has to move on.

End of the story.

I'm sure there are worst broken marriages than this. The thing is that I seen more broken marriage now. The marriage counselling office is in demand. The divorce court has a huge backlog.  I think the world is getting more and more corrupted by the day. Good family like this suffered un-necessary. People indulged in sensual activities and gone overboard. Just for a few hours of fun, his whole family suffers. They seek sense objects such as sex, getting high, money, beautiful body, sleek cars and other sensual cravings. Their effort to secure what they believe to be good things in life is due to their illusion of their existence. They are mired in sensual pleasure because they see everything through rose tinted glasses. They harbor illusion about the nature of sense-objects from the reality of name-rupa.

By the way, that family has 2 lovely young boys of about 6 and 8 yrs old.

One has to restrain in body, speech and mind. Avoid evil, do good and purify our mind. That's how we should led our lives.I hope you agree with me.

Bugs Tan
1st oct 2011


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