Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The 5 Buddhist Precepts

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


The Blessed Buddha once said to Anathapindika:
Whoever, householder, has not overcome five terrible evils, such one
 without morality, is without control and will be reborn in hell.
And what are those five terrible evils?
They are killing, stealing, sexual abuse, lying, and taking intoxicants.
But whoever has overcome these five terrible evils, such one is pure,
well controlled and will be reborn in a happy world.
One who is doing these 5 things, creates both present, and future
 misery, and will thus experience much mental pain & regret!
One who abstains from these 5 things produces neither any present,
nor any future misery, nor will he experience mental pain or grief.
Such terrible evil is thus eliminated by him and extinguished in him...

Whoever murders living beings,
Speaks words that are not true,
Takes what does not belong to him,
Seduces wives of other men,
And takes intoxicating drinks or drugs,
To which ever he/she strongly clings:
Anyone who does not shun these evils,
Is indeed without morality, with no purity!
And when his/her body once dissolves,
That blind fool will fall into deepest hell...
Who does never harm any being at all,
Who never utters any lie, or falsehood,
Who never takes what is not his or hers,
Nor seduces his/her neighbour's spouse,
Nor ever wishes in all his/her life
To drink intoxicating drinks or drugs
that causes carelessness and neglect
A human who shuns these five evils,
Is rightly called a virtuous human;
And when his/her body once dissolves,
This wise human rises heavenward.


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