Thursday, July 21, 2011

When our children suffer we suffer

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Taken from Buddha Rocks

Love of this sort requires a letting go of ideas and relaxing into realities. We practice to let go of our ideas about how things should be, and reside in how things actually are. We turn our attention to what we have: our breath, our love, and our attention, knowing that even these are short-lived and impermanent. Yet, these are it. And they are enough.Be well. With palms together,

Good Morning Everyone,

Last night we received word that our daughter in law, Lynda, who just gave birth to grandson Evan, was hospitalized due to a cardiac issue as yet unspecified. Son Jacob and Baby Evan are doing well, though Jacob is feeling very stressed and is very worried. I offered to go to them to assist. He will let me know soon if that is necessary.

When our children suffer we suffer. We are invested in their health, happiness, and well-being. Our suffering is most acute as we realize our complete powerlessness to resolve their suffering. We move into what if thoughts and create all sorts of awful scenarios thereby, mentally experiencing our powerlessness. In truth, though, there is much that can be done. We can lessen the grip of our attachments by understanding that we are not at all in control of life as it unfolds. We can turn our attention to the teaching that life is now offering us. We can cut-off the thoughts that create the suffering. We can focus our attention on the exact situation at hand, offering our support, researching the issues, and then make changes. But most of all, we can love those around us as deeply as is possible.

Love of this sort requires a letting go of ideas and relaxing into realities. We practice to let go of our ideas about how things should be, and reside in how things actually are. We turn our attention to what we have: our breath, our love, and our attention, knowing that even these are short-lived and impermanent. Yet, these are it. And they are enough.


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