Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Summit for Urban Animal Strategies expands Designations

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

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Summit programs expand roles and reach within Canadian Industry

The Summit for Urban Animal Strategies entered its 6th program year in July 2011.  The Summit program now speaks to more than 40,000 thought leaders across Canada and has become the lowest cost, most effective channel for communicating with owners, officers, directors, executives, and managers in the Canadian Companion Animal Industry.

In August, PetLynx will introduce a new program expanding the roles of those involved in the Summit program.  Here below is a draft of these designations for comment:

Industry Advocate [Currently 12]
· Recognized by Industry peers as a visionary, executive leader and industry influencer - are tasked with developing the alliances required to implement new strategies in the companion animal community
· Trusted by industry to provide leadership to the Summit program with regard to annual themes and event agendas
· Advocates meet together each October one day before the ISUAS

Industry Mentor [Currently 31]
· Executive leader and industry ally - has a passion for developing future thought leaders in communities and across the industry
· Works with Associate and Alumni level leaders to help them understand  challenges and identify solutions for improving the community and industry

Summit Alumni [Currently 169]
· An experienced, proactive, executive level, thought leader
· The annual International Summit invites 100 Alumni to develop conversations that can change the industry
· Each Alumnus has the passion and confidence to contribute openly and honestly in the OpenSpace process
· Active in national, regional, community and sector conversations

Summit Associate [Currently 183]
· Industry managers working where the 'rubber hits the road' in the companion animal industry
· Looking for new ways to create a healthy community for pets and people
· Acitive participants in Community Animal Management Strategy [CAMStrat] cohort in Canada
· Proactive and wanting to become more professional through continuing education and building relationships with other industry leaders

Collaborator [Currently 1,569]
· Proactive stakeholders of the companion animal industry
· Paying attention to Open Space conversations and industry dialogue
· Involved in Collaboration Projects thorugh CAMStrat initiatives in their community

Social Comm Reach [Currently 41,116]
· Stakeholders who operate within the ‘sound of our voice’ and reach of Summit programs
· Many are reactive but recognize a need to become more proactive
· Industry stakeholders with a desire to be more connected to their industry


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