Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Problem with Chain Letters

Saturday, July 23, 2011



My cricket buddy Raymond (not his real name) sent me a chain letter. It reads as follows;

Quote ~

We have nothing to lose. �They say whoever receives this buddha will recieve an abundance of unexpected money or some very good news

The Buddha of Wealth
Send to 6 friends or family member
Unexpected $$$ will arrive in 4 days.
Send to 12 friends or family members Unexpected $$$$ will arrive in 2 days.
You won't lose anything by passing this on.

Unquote ~

I thought this is wrong and I took the opportunity to replay him. And this is what I said :

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Hi Raymond,

Good moning. Trust you are well and fine.

Thanks for sending me this chain letter. But I'm so sorry to inform you that this is not the teaching of the Buddha. The essence of Buddhist doctrine is a lot more intellectual than this. By having sending chain letters like this does not bring you luck or wealth.

Part of the teaching of Buddha is the law of Kamma. You get what you sow. Therefore if you want wealth, then you need to skillfully earn it. Not by chance and luck.

Another thing, Buddha is not a God. He is a human being just like you and me. Therefore, you cannot "receive the Buddha' as per described in the chain letter. Buddha is dead and gone 2,500 years ago. So what was left behind was his teaching called Buddha Dhamma.

Therefore if one is interested to seek wealth and eternally happiness, he need to read and investigate and practice the Buddha Dhamma.

I hope the above have shed some light about Buddhism which is commonly misunderstood.

Anyway, thanks for your kind thought for forwarding this chain letter to me. Your thought is noble with good intention and hence, it will bring you good kamma.

May you be well and happy.

Bugs Tan

P/s: By the way, the picture of the golden fat man with a round tummy is not Buddha.

unquote ~

I hope you do the same when you chance or smell something that is not right. Pls correct them so that such ignorance will be dispelled immediately.

24th July 2011


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