Monday, July 11, 2011

Open Canine Breeder Codes Ver:1.3.1

Monday, July 11, 2011


Draft for Industry Comment

A Breeder Code of Practice – Open Canine Breeder

To provide breeders with a code of practice relating to the breeding, selling [homing], management and overall protection of dogs.
To provide compliant breeders with recognition through the national ‘HomeSafeTM brand' that allows pet families, retailers and others to buy their production with confidence.
To ensure that every breeder produces dogs that are healthy and sound in both mind and body, and to ensure that the dogs they produce are true to their heritage and these codes of practice.
To ensure that every breeder adheres to proper and ethical business practices when buying, breeding, selling and placing their dogs.
Breeding Principles:
The breeding of dogs is a serious responsibility; therefore, the decision to breed should never be taken lightly. To this end, every breeder, or prospective breeder, must be willing to embrace the following general principles:
a) Commit the time and financial resources to maintain a proper breeding program.
b) Provide for the well being of the dogs, while in the breeding program and after.
c) Ensure proper due diligence is performed in the placement of the dogs.

d) Identify using a Canadian standard* microchip, DNA and register all breeder animals in an NCAC recognized registry.

e) Alter or provide for the altering of all non-breeder animals placed in homes

f) Preserve and maintain the genome for future generations through the judicious selection of breeding stock.

g) Share knowledge that is gained through experience with fellow breeders.

h) Mentor those fellow breeders who are novices.

Canadian Standard refers to the National Companion Animal Coalition (NCAC) Review Process Regarding the Use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology in Canada

General Responsibilities:
The following are a set of general responsibilities that shall be understood and accepted by all breeders:
a) Every breeder shall be conversant with and fully compliant with local, provincial and federal laws pertaining to the breeding and treatment of animals.
b) Every breeder shall provide dogs with proper housing, nutrition, health care and exercise.
c) Every breeder shall ensure the necessary social interaction occurs both at the dog to dog and human/animal levels.
d) Every breeder shall Incorporate the guidelines of the CVMA Code of Practice for Canadian Kennel Operations as are practical for each breeding operation.   Note: If animals are housed in a separate kennel facility, compliance with the CVMA code is mandatory.
e) Every breeder shall become knowledgeable of structure, movement and behavior; understand the inherited traits, congenital and hereditary health problems, and have a basic knowledge of health care and first aid.
f) Every breeder shall test for health and genetic problems as recommended or required,shall share the results of all such testing and shall follow recommended protocols for the control of genetic disease.
g) Every breeder shall maintain current and accurate records pertaining to their breeding program including health and genetic related information, the particulars of all dog placements and all sale transactions. This information shall be maintained online where possible.
h) No breeder shall sell or donate dogs for the purpose of an auction or raffle.
Breeding Practices:
In order to attain the goal of producing quality dogs that are healthy and sound in both mind and body, a breeder must give priority to the following:
a) Select breeding stock that conforms to the recognized Breed Standards to the highest possible degree.
b) Use breeding stock that is known to be of sound health and stable temperament.
c) Choose both a sire and dam that have reached such maturity that they can produce and raise a healthy litter.
d) Assure that all breeding, health and registration documents are available for inspection and completely in order.
e) As the owner of a stud dog, ensure that the owner of the dam has the ability and the necessary facilities to successfully whelp, raise and assure the future well being of any resulting litter.
f) As the owner of the dam, ensure that the owner of the sire has the knowledge and experience to provide a safe and proper mating, including the diligent care of the dam.

Selling/Placement Practices:
All breeders have a serious responsibility when selling animals. All breeders shall adhere to the following general sales & placement practices:

a) The breeder is responsible for the submission of and payment for registration in the national identification & recovery system. Such costs may be included in the price of the dog. Buyers should not be asked to pay for any applications to register or transfer the ownership of a dog.

b) All dogs must be uniquely and permanently identified with an approved Canadian Standard microchip transponder prior to leaving the breeder's premises.

c) The concept of a dog being a lifetime commitment should always be reinforced with the purchaser. Potential owners of dogs shall be reasonably screened for their suitability and capability to own and meet the needs of the dog. Breeders will strive to place dogs in loving, responsible, and permanent homes.

d) Breeders shall represent their dogs to prospective owners with honesty and integrity.

f) Breeders shall commit themselves to assisting novice dog owners in their understanding of the dogs. They shall also encourage new dog owners to become involved in activities that will highlight the inherent traits of the dog and provide the dog ample opportunity to pursue its purpose.

g) Breeders shall provide a written sales agreement containing the name of the purchaser, the date of sale, the name of the breed and the dog's unique identification number. In addition, all terms and conditions of the sale, including a return or replacement policy, shall be clearly defined. The agreement shall, be properly dated and signed by all parties.

h) Breeders shall provide the purchaser with a reasonable written guarantee that protects the dog, the purchaser and the seller.

i) Regardless of age, spaying or neutering of all dogs sold as companions should be actively encouraged.

j) Purchasers should be provided with copies of all relevant documentation, including such things as registry documentation, copies of non-breeding agreements, completed sales agreements, guarantees, health and vaccination records, and a set of instructions on the care, training and diet for the dog.

k) Breeders shall provide for the retirement of their breeding stock.


Where information exists that confirms a breeder guilty of violating: i) Animal cruelty laws; ii) Municipal by-laws associated with animal control and housing; and/or, iii) Peer association by-laws; that breeder shall forfeit their Homesafe designation.


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