Tuesday, June 7, 2011

How a Bhikkhu Can Also Be Distracted by Females

Tuesday, June 7, 2011



Here is a story and how a Bhikkhu was nearly distracted by a female

A bhikkhu, after taking a subject of meditation from the Buddha, was practising meditation in an old garden. A woman of doubtful character came into the garden and, seeing the bhikkhu, tried to attract his attention and seduce him. The thera got frightened; at the same time, his whole body was diffused with some kind of delightful satisfaction. The Buddha saw him from his monastery, and with his supernormal power, sent rays of light to him, and the bhikkhu received this message, which said, "My son, where worldlings seek sensual pleasures is not the place for bhikkhus; bhikkhus should take delight in forests where worldlings find no pleasure."

Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

“Ramaṇīyāni araññāni, yattha na ramatī jano
vītarāgā ramissanti na te kāmagavesino.”

Forests are delightful, but the worldlings find no delight in them;
only those who are free from passion will find delight in them, for they do not seek sensual pleasures.

I wish you well in your training.

7th June 2011


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