Tuesday, February 8, 2011

We Should Not Fear Death

Tuesday, February 8, 2011



I've some friends on my Facebook and one of them left a message on my wall and said this

"If you do not fear death, there is nothing else to fear."

Which is a normal thought if you are a Christian or a Muslim or Jewish. What happen is that when a person dies, he faces "Judgment day". Where he will be judged and sent to haven if his records is "Good". And he will be sent to hell if his records is "bad.

Where else, I have a different opinion. And here is my reply to him.

"sorry if I begged to be different. I actually do not fear death. I take death as a natural thing in life. I know, after death I'll be re-born again.

What I fear is doing wrong doings. I fear committing wrong things like "killing", "stealing", "sexual misconduct", "telling lies", "getting intoxicated" and other things that harm another human being and the environment.

I fear being foolish for not leading a virtuous life. I fear for not helping others who needed my help when I'm still alive.

I fear my own doing in this very own life rather than fearing death which is something I've no control."

What I short of saying is that instead of fearing God, I fear Kamma. So while we are still alive, we should not commit evil things that brings bad kamma (vipaka).

I hope this bring sense to you.

9th Feb 2011


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