According to the company a recent NBC Today Showreport on Purebred Breeders grossly misrepresented the companyand the work they do, day in and day out to ensure that only thehealthiest and best-bred puppies reach pet families. The story did not reflectthe overwhelming majority of breeders who are animal lovers and dotheir best to raise healthy puppies.
Purebred Breeders says the HumaneSociety of the U.S. (HSUS) is behind the story and claims HSUS is a lobbyinggroup that has a history of attacking organizations that are involved inthe business of breeding and selling pets. The HumaneSociety for Shelter Pets, in 2010, reported HSUS raised over $131 million from thepublic and gave less than 1% of those donations to local humane society petshelters.
PurebredBreeders has a comprehensive breeder screening process and breeders mustabide by strict code of ethics. We have a thorough review process andmake every effort to only work with the best breeders available. Toensure that is the case, we have begun a top to bottom review of allour breeders. Any evidence that our high standards are not being metwill result in excluding those breeders from our family. We also have aRe-Homing program that adopts back pets from any customer to prevent theirpets from going to a shelter.
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