Saturday, December 24, 2011

Discussion on Nibanna (Part 1)

Saturday, December 24, 2011


Dear Dhamma Friends,


The 3rd Noble truth explain that suffering can be ceased. The way to stop it is revealed on the 4th Noble truth. Which is the 8 Fold Noble Path or sometime known as Middle ways. This is a formula the Buddha has taught us.

So when one strived hard to lead a wholesome life and avoid evil. He puts in alot of effort and time to clam his mind through intensive meditation. With shear determination and practice of a noble life over the many years, he makes a break through. The door opens for him to enter the stream to become a Sotapanna.

He strives on this same path to reach the next height. He may run out of time and expire. But soon after he gets his re-birth he continues where he has left off in his previous life. But, there are also many case where people could reach all 4 stage of sainthood within one life time itself. Anyway, when one work hard enough, he gained knowledge and eradicate ignorance, he reaches the threshold and becomes an Arahant. 

It is our wish as a practising Buddhist to become an Arahant. So that we can escape the samsara world of suffering. We want to beat the cycle of death and re-birth so that we suffer no more.

My understanding is that when one become an Arahant, he has let go of everything. He has no more craving (tanha) for anything else in the world. Nothing is importantly to him any more. He does not need anything at all. With that in mind, he does not create any kamma. And when there is no kamma, there is no vipaka. Thus, there is no condition at all for these tanha-less kamma to take fruition.

That is not what the Buddha says. That is what I (Bugs Tan) say. For discussion sake, I would like to think that when one reaches arahanhood. It's like he has beaten the law of kamma. The law of kamma is simple to understand. That is, you get what you sow. If you enjoy this life time and seek for more. Rightly, when your condition is right, you will be re-born on this planet again. Therefore, when one reaches arahanthood without any craving nor wish to come back again, he is said to have beaten the law of kamma. He doesn't get any re-birth.


Now here's more to what I've in mind. I would also like to think that kamma is like a bundle of energies. And I also think Kamma energy cannot be created nor destroy. Just like the law of energy which says energy cannot be created nor destroy. Energy can only change from one form to another.

Similarly, when an Arahant dies, his kammic energies did not disappear just like that. But turns into other form of energy. I would like to think (or you can say imagine) that these tahna-less energy has transformed into natural energy. The tanha-less kamma energy  simply turned into natural energy like water, vapour, gas, wind, light, smell, colour, metal, wood, heat, fire and etc. Without tanha, these energies just transform into any form that could not fit into any of the 31 plane of existence.

There you are. These are my crazy thoughts. (smiling to myself thinking how silly this idea can be). Perhaps some of you would like to comment. 

By the way, here is a scientific explanation on the law of conservation of energy from Wikipedia.

The nineteenth century law of conservation of energy is a law of physics. It states that the total amount of energy in an isolated system remains constant over time. The total energy is said to be conserved over time. For an isolated system, this law means that energy can change its location within the system, and that it can change form within the system, for instance chemical energy can become kinetic energy, but that energy can be neither created nor destroyed. In the nineteenth century, mass and energy were considered as being of quite different natures. 

Happy holiday. Drive carefully. May you be well and happy.

24th Dec 2011


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