Monday, November 14, 2011

New hope for Feral Dog Populations

Monday, November 14, 2011


Lisa Milton presents 2011 Summit

Dr. Judith Samson-French appears on the cover of the recent issue of CitizenPet, the Journal of Animal Companionship.  She also recently won the recognition of herpeers in North America as the recipient of the 2011 Summit for Product orService Innovation.

What has garnered all of this attention?  Quite simply, a pilot project that may helpcommunities across North America to control unwanted feral dog populations.  Dr. Samson-French reviewed scientificliterature that described the use of Deslorelin, a contraceptive implant.  Her program is using this implant as a quick, non-surgical, cost effective way to suppressreproduction in feral or semi-feral female dogs.  Her program is the first in the world to controlthe feral dog population using this intervention with female dogs.  If this program works for the First Nation ReserveAnimals in her program, it will work everywhere in the world and it may helpsolve the really big problems in other countries where access to veterinaryhospitals for spay and neuter programs is not common.


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