Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Former CFL Hitter Tom Trifaux Tackles Abundance

Wednesday, October 19, 2011



Saturday. 22 October, 2011
09:00  to 10:30

Keynote Breakfast: Thomas R. Trifaux

Professional Athlete, Management Consultant, Keynote Speaker and the Principal of HeadStart Marketing challenges our thinking about changing paradigms in a connected world of abundance.

The 2011 Summit keynote on Saturday morning is being delivered by former Argonaut Offensive Tackle, Tom Trifaux.  The Saturday breakfast and keynote address is designed to encourage leaders of the companion animal industry to meet the challenges they face within the industry and their organizations. Trifaux brings a unique work life history to bear on organizational development and professional services for clients across North America.  

Online communications has shifted the paradigm of business from a 'scarcity' model to one of 'abundance'.  Everything, Anytime, Anywhere is the new experience and expectation of the consumers we all serve. Does this experience based economy have opportunity for you?  What does that mean for your organization?  How will you be successful in an environment where everything is commoditized?  How does abundance in your personal and professional life bring you to a good place?

The term Experience Economy was first described in an article published in 1998 by B. Joseph Pine II and James H. Gilmore.  In July, these authors updated this Harvard published tome and it will be provided to delegates attending this event.  

Tickets are still available, should you wish to attend this event you may contact Judi Cannon @ 705.930.7387

Elements of this presentation will be tweeted during the presentation .

Follow the conversation on twitter with #ISUAS,
during the live tweeting event October 19-22


Vision: To gather executive level thought leaders who can advance thestate of the art in urban animal strategies

Mission: To promote strategies that build healthy communities for petsand people and to recognize those who achieve success

This sixth annual gathering of Industry leaders takes place from October 19 -22 at the Fairmont Chateau, Montebello, Quebec.

As we are learning, Animal Health and Wellness is directly related to humanhealth in our communities. For this reason the 2011 agenda may facilitate themost strategic conversation to be brought forward to a Summit.

The industry is changing, have your say.

View full agenda and learn moreabout the summit


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