Monday, April 25, 2011

You Must Bring The Change

Monday, April 25, 2011



We have learned from great philosopher like Mahatma Ghandi who has many wise quotes. One of my favorite quote from Ghandi is "Be the change you want to see in this world". Yesterday I received another quote from a good friend in Germany. And he has this to share with me;

“Change can't be given to you every time,
U must bring the change"

Albert Silva
Bus Conductor
Route 154
Colombo 09
Sri Lanka

It has been proven time over time that simple yet wise quote comes from ordinary people. Word of wisdom does not necessary need only to come from people with high academic qualifications.

Just like in my previous post where I shared the story of Suppabuddha. He was a lepper and begs for food all his life. But when he chance upon the opportunity to hear the Dhamma, his mind fruition and enters the 1st stage of sainthood.

This was made possible because he has a noble heart. His mind was not stained at all and thus when he had the opportunity to meet the Buddha and in just one sitting to listen to the Dhamma, he enlightens and became a stream enterer (sotapana).

The same goes to some of us. As long as we do not soil our mind with unwholesome thoughts, it gives us the chance to advance in our spiritual path.

Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu

May you find peace in your heart always

25th April 2011


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