| This year marks 100 years of International Women’s Day. Join the movement of people building a better future for women and sign the MANifesto!
I shall not take for granted the things women do and what they contribute to our society
 | I shall inspire women to put their health and well-being first, without guilt or triviality 
 | I shall be aware of the stereotypes I impose onto women and not confine them to my own beliefs 
 | I shall embrace women as equal partners and encourage them to contribute their views and/or decisions, and value them as much as my own 
 | I shall appreciate beauty beyond the physical — in women’s intellect, spirit, and diversity 
 | I shall liberate women from fear by not staying silent in the face of violations 
 | I shall … ask a woman in my life to provide a manifesto point. 
Pls show your support here
Mettacittena Bugs Tan 7th Mar 2011
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