Saturday, March 19, 2011

How Life Begins from a Buddhist Perspective

Saturday, March 19, 2011



My classmate Jack Loo who is new to Buddhism has asked me a few questions. And most of his questions where fundamental questions about life and nature. These are questions a child would ask his mother. I'm glad I'd shared some with him.

One of the many questions he asked me was "how life begin in Buddhist's perspective?".

Here is the answer:-

The world of beings

There came a time when sooner or later, after the lapse of a long, long period, this world dissolved. When this happened, some beings were reborn in the world of Radiance, and there they dwelled, made of mind, feeding on rapture, self-luminous, traversing the air, and continuing in glory, and thus they remain for long, long time. There came also a time when the world began to re-evolve. Some of the beings that deceased from the world of Radiance were reborn as human beings.

Digha Nikaya III : 84-85

I personally think Buddha has explained quite nicely for a layman like me. I understood completely what he said. It makes logical sense to me. I can buy that.

Just that, suppose Jack is doubtful and he ask me to proof this. Well, I don't think I could. I don't think I can bring him to a place to see how life begins. I would just have to place my faith on the Buddha.

May you be well and happy.

19th March 2011


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