I'm inspired by one of the Dhamma student who attended the Dhamma sharing which I led yesterday. He asked me "why is that some bad guys become rich and some good guys suffers?". I did answered him accordingly. But I thought it's good to share it here too.
Here is an excerpt from a Dhamma book which explain clearly on this question.
Those who have committed evil may have enjoyment and happiness so long as their immoral deeds do not yet mature. In this period they looked blissful. However, when evil deeds become time to mature, to bear suitable fruits, these bad persons experience various kinds of sorrow and suffering.
Conversely we learn in Dhammapada Verse 120, like this :-
Badropi passati papam, yava badram no paccati.
Yada ca paccati badram, atha badro badrani passati.
Although good persons have done good and moral acts, they experience bad things so long as the good deeds do not yet ripen. In this period he suffers. However, when such good, moral deeds have ripened, they experience bliss, happiness of various kinds in full.
The meaning here is bad person may have good time or good fortunes while their bad deeds do not yet mature to give bad results in quick time. For there are "interim or middle period' to wait for resultant effects. In these interim periods a moral man can suffer a lot of evil due to past bad kammic deeds done in many former lives.
Thus most moral deeds in this life have to wait for suitable time to bear good fruits. While moral deeds remain for maturity other types of kamma have to bear fruits in this period of time. Unlike eating chili which burns one's tongue instantly, many moral deeds cannot bring immediate effects.
I hope you have a better understanding now. I have also brought the simile of a situation I asked myself when I was a budak kecil (young boy). I asked myself why is that an old man gets to drive a Porsche. While most young man drives a cheap car. The situation looked funny to me because, I would think that a Porsche is of better use to a young man rather than an elderly man. I would think that a young man look a lot better in a Porsche compared to an older man in that same car. More over, a young need a sleek looking car to attract girls to hop-in. While an older man is more likely to be married long time ago and there is no need to attract any more woman at all.
I learned the answer to this question as I grow-up. That is a young man cannot afford to buy a Porsche car yet. He has to work hard to earn enough to buy that dream car. While an elderly man can drive that car because he has already worked for many years and have earned enough to buy himself that dream car. What I'm trying to say is, it's the same with kamma, it takes time for you to earn your merits.
So for those who have worked very hard to keep a wholesome lifestyle, your rewards will come soon. Do not be despair. Cultivate patient. In Pali its called "khanti".
I hope you enjoyed reading this short article as much as I've enjoyed writing it. Sukihotu and may you have a blessed day filled with joy and happiness.
20th Jan 2011
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