Friday, January 7, 2011

Noble 8 Fold Path

Friday, January 7, 2011



To achieve Nirvana, or the end of suffering, Buddhist followers must follow the Noble 8 Fold Path as set forth by the Buddha 2,550 years ago. This are fundamental of Buddhist teaching.

The Noble 8 Fold Path are :-

Right Understanding

The Right Understanding is crucial to understanding the Buddhist belief system, particularly the identification, causes, consequences of, and through these eight steps, the elimination of suffering. The Right Understanding also conveys an understanding of the Buddhist philosophy of the non-permanence of the self.

Right Thought

To have the Right Thought, a follower should fully understand his purpose in following the teachings of the Buddha, as well as his outlook on the world and world issues.

Right Speech

The focus of the Right Speech is to avoid harmful language, such as lying or unkind words. It is far better to use gentle, friendly and meaningful words, even when a situation calls for a truth that may be hurtful, despite the follower’s best intentions.

Right Action

The Right Action forms a list of fundamental ethical behaviors all practicing Buddhists should follow. These are the Five Precepts:
  1. To refrain from destroying living beings
  2. To refrain from stealing
  3. To refrain from sexual misconduct (adultery, rape, etc.)
  4. To refrain from false speech (lying)
  5. To refrain from intoxicants which lead to heedlessness

Right Livelihood

Those seeking enlightenment should pick the Right Livelihood to support the other fundamentals of Buddhism. Followers should avoid employment in positions where their actions may cause harm to others, be it directly or indirectly.

Right Effort

Buddhists recognize that human nature limits the mind at times and causes ill thoughts. Unlike Right Thought, the Right Effort focuses on working to remove the bad thoughts and replace them with positive, more pleasant thoughts.

Right Mindfulness

The Right Mindfulness, along with Right Concentration, is the foundation behind Buddhist meditation. Monks, or other followers, should focus their minds on their body, emotions, mental workings, and mental qualities, but not on worldly desire and aversion while meditating.

Right Concentration

Coupled with Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration lays the framework for proper meditation. Rather than focusing on the mental aspects, the Right Concentration gives instructions as to how to work through the steps of focus in effective meditation.

The May you be successful in your pursuit to find liberation.

8th Jan 2011


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